Friday, May 29, 2009

Forex Turmoil: Still On The Sidelines

During the last few weeks of topsy-turvy price movements I've been playing it safe. I like to buy carry trade pairs, but they've been heading down a lot.

Carry Trade Panic Selling?

Did anyone notice the panic selling out there?All kinds of carry trades unwound several hundred points in a very short period of time. Speculation in the Forex news rags suggests that losses due to the falling stock exchanges forced people to unwind their carry trades to cover their margins.In any case, after days of regimented downward movement, the sudden fallout represented a panic moment -- for someone. In the short term, at the very least, this should represent opportunity. I've stuck my toe in.

AUD/JPY Trading Week

Well, the last couple days weren't as good as the first portion of the week, but they were still positive. I'm not complaining!Thursday and Friday were positive by 0.4% and 1.1% respectively. So, for the week, that gave me a NAV gain of 23.2% in total.If you've been following along you know that I only have a tiny total account size. However, the current plan, now that I seem to be able to generate profits, is to grow the account to a meaningful size

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